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3 Things You Should Know Before You Get a Deep Peel

3 Things You Should Know Before You Get a Deep Peel

While most chemical peels are relatively shallow and require little downtime, a deeper peel requires a bit more commitment. However, if you’re struggling with issues that penetrate the upper layers of your skin, a deep peel is a great way to shed those flaws and show the world what lies underneath.

At New Image Medical Spa in Fremont, California, Dr. Surinder Sandhu and her team provide a range of chemical peels to help you de-age your skin and get a fresher, brighter, younger look.

How chemical peels work 

Humans shed skin over time, like many other animals. But unlike reptiles, we only lose a little bit at a time, often in small flakes that we don’t notice. However, there are ways to encourage the skin to shed faster, revealing your healthy, younger skin underneath. 

Most chemical peels are mild, lifting the upper layers of the skin so they can be stripped away. At New Image Medical Spa, Dr. Sandhu provides a variety of peels, including Obagi® peels that use high-grade nutraceuticals to rejuvenate your skin. 

Peels can vary in depth as well, with many patients opting for shallow treatments that only get rid of the very outermost layers of skin. If you’re looking for more drastic results, you can choose between a series of superficial peels, or a single deep peel. A deep peel uses stronger chemicals to encourage significant shedding, completely rejuvenating the face. 

If you’re struggling with deep wrinkles, persistent dryness, uneven skin tone and texture, and sun damage, a deep peel can be the best way to address all these problems in one fell swoop. 

Before undergoing a deep peel

While deep peels deliver dramatic improvements and last for years, they aren’t something to dive into without proper research. You’ll need to undergo preparation, plan to take some downtime, and follow Dr. Sandhu’s aftercare instructions once your peel’s complete. Here are three things you should do now before you schedule your deep peel:

1. Scheduling and prep are everything

Before the peel, you’ll likely be asked to perform some pretreatment. This is done to thin out the uppermost layer of skin, making it easier for the chemicals to penetrate evenly. During this time, you should make plans for your recovery. 

Most patients can return to work after about two weeks, but you should expect at least a month of redness. If you’re seeking a chemical peel in preparation for a social event, make sure to discuss the timeframe with Dr. Sandhu to decide whether a deep peel will heal in time. 

2. Expect extensive skin loss over time

Your new skin will take some time to adjust. Be prepared for a lot of peeling, crusting, and general inflammation. Dr. Sandhu will provide ointments and other remedies to alleviate these.

You should avoid the majority of skin care products during this time, especially astringents and exfoliants. The fresh skin will be tender, and you don’t want to cause damage or irritation while it’s healing. Try to avoid products aside from a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. 

3. You’re going to want a stronger sunscreen 

Following a chemical peel, your face will require a bit of babying. You’re speeding up a process that your body usually performs slowly on its own, revealing fresh and tender skin that wasn’t quite ready to face the world yet. This means that you’ll need to protect it from the elements, especially the sun. 

While everyone should wear sunscreen, it’s especially important that you wear it following a deep peel. The skin on your face receives more sunlight than any other part of your body, so it needs to be a daily routine, not just something you do before a day outside. 

A strong chemical peel is an excellent way to strip away deep imperfections and give your face a much-needed makeover. 

To learn more and to find out if a deep peel is right for you, call New Image Medical Spa at 510-269-2324, or request an appointment online.

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