If you could see what’s going on under the surface of your skin, you’d understand exactly why you’re seeing what you do in the mirror. Important proteins, fats, lipids, and pigments all form a complex network that keeps your skin soft, even-toned, and resilient. But when that system breaks down, you see the consequences — imperfections like wrinkles, redness, spots, and scars.

At New Image Medical Spa in Fremont, California, we see this all the time. But if you’re thinking that the only way to get rid of the blemishes is to undergo a painful procedure, think again. IPL photofacials are incredibly effective at clearing away the signs of aging and other imperfections without the hassle of expensive, invasive treatments.

Our team of aesthetic experts, led by Surinder Sandhu, MD, highly recommend photofacials for our patients looking to improve skin tone and texture. Unlike a laser treatment that uses only one wavelength of light energy, a photofacial uses multiple wavelengths of intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat more surface area in less time than a laser treatment. Here are a few of the many other benefits of IPL photofacials.

IPL treats the source of your skin problems

IPL targets pigments, hair follicles, and damaged cells in the dermis, the middle layer of your skin, and does all its work from the inside out. The light energy heats up the hyperpigmented cells and breaks them up into particles your body can flush away.

If you have rosacea or a ruddy complexion, IPL targets and destroys the tiny blood vessels just under the surface. Your body then reabsorbs and eliminates them. Studies show that IPL can reduce rosacea flare-ups, improve skin texture, and decrease rosacea-related acne.

IPL is safe for your skin

One of the reasons IPL photofacials are so popular is that they penetrate the outer layer of your skin without damaging it. Creams and serums barely seep through the top layer, and at best, they can temporarily hydrate and soften your skin. But IPL corrects and heals deep down and leaves the surface of your skin undisturbed and undamaged.

IPL doesn’t hurt

You’ve heard it said that beauty is pain, but not so with IPL. Do you feel it? Yes. Does it hurt? No. Most people say it feels like a little snap against the skin, and others say they feel nothing at all.

IPL isn’t just for faces

You may come in to see us because you want to fix imperfections on your face, but once you discover the amazing effectiveness of IPL, you’ll want to use it on your neck, chest, shoulders, arms — wherever you have spots, patches, and blotches.

IPL works on multiple skin issues

We’ve talked about rosacea and sunspots, but IPL does so much more. The heat generated by the multiple wavelengths breaks down tissues that have been damaged, which triggers a healing response in your body.

Soon, you’ll notice that the cell regeneration and the flood of collagen spurred on by IPL makes a huge difference in the texture and appearance of your skin. Wrinkles and scars become less noticeable as your skin plumps up and comes back to life.

So let us know which skin issues are bothering you most — chances are, IPL is your answer. From birthmarks to acne, from varicose veins to freckles and large pores, IPL can do it all. IPL even gets rid of unwanted hair by zapping the follicle so the hair can’t regrow.

IPL is quick

Typically, our patients spend less than half an hour during their IPL photofacial session. After that, you may notice a bit of redness for a couple hours, but there’s no reason you can’t go about your day as usual. You can’t say that about all skin treatments.

It may take a few sessions to get the full effect, but you’ll love the results, and we feel confident you’ll want to make it part of your regular skincare routine.

If you want to hear more about the amazing benefits of the IPL photofacial and what it can do for you, call us at 510-269-2324 today or book an appointment online.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime for questions, support, or assistance. We're here to help you with any inquiries you have.

  • Address: 556 Mowry Avenue Suite 200
    Fremont, CA 94536
  • Email: newimagemedicalspa@gmail.com
  • Call Us: (510) 790-8821
  • Working hours:

    Monday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Tuesday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Thursday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Friday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.

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