Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF a second generation of the PRP products), therapy also known as The Vampire Facelift® or Vampire fillers is used to improve texture, fine lines, deep wrinkles and scars.
Your physician draws your own blood, centrifuges (spins) it to separate the red blood cells from the plasma and platelets rich plasma which is rich in growth factors. The PRP or PRF is injected into your face and neck along with some collagen fillers. The collagen corrects the loss of volume and the growth factor rich platelets (PRP) or platelet rich fibrin (PRF) stimulate the production of collagen which promotes skin regeneration and rejuvenation.
Request an AppointmentSince you can not be allergic to your own blood so there is virtually no risk of allergic reaction with PRP of PRF. The side effects can be temporary swelling, minor bruising, risk of infection, temporary irritation, itching or discoloration of the injection sites.
One sees immediate fullness with Full cosmetic results in 3-4 weeks. The results last for 15-18 months.
(Micro-Needling With PRP Or PRF)
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or Platelet Rich fibrin (PRF) therapy aka the “Vampire Facial ®” is used to improve texture, fine lines, deep wrinkles, and scars. PRP or PRF treatment involves a simple blood draw which is then Centrifuged (spun down) to separate the plasma and platelet rich portion (PRP) or platelet rich fibrin (PRF)which is rich in growth factors from the red blood cells. The PRP is then infused back into the skin by micro-needling to stimulate collagen and regenerate new tissue growth.
Platelets play a role in stopping bleeding and in repairing damaged blood vessels and cells in the body. Platelets also contain substances called “growth factors” that activate and rejuvenate cells in our body.
PRP or PRF treatment is combined with Micro-Needling treatments. Using PRP or PRF to treat the under eye area aka “tear troughs” is a very safe and effective way to correct fine lines, dark circles, hollowing, and dryness.
Results often include a more youthful glowing complexion with improvements to the appearance of hyperpigmentation and acne scarring.
Your skin is evaluated very carefully to determine if PRP treatment is ideal for achieving your unique skin goals
What Is The Vampire Facelift® ?
The Vampire Facelift®
The Vampire Facelift® uses stem cells to tell the body to grow new, younger skin. Stem cells which grow only one specific tissue, are found in every part of the body. Stem cells are stimulated by Plate7/let Rich Plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood to regenerate collagen, elastin and new blood supply to create more youthful skin.
The Vampire Facelift® is a custom-designed procedure that combines the science of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, such as Restylane and Juvederm with PRP and a skilled physician to deliver more youthful, natural beautiful face.
PRP is an addition to the art of skin rejuvenation. In addition to skin care products that nourish the skin, Botox to relax the muscles and collagen fillers to restore volume, PRP to actually regenerate the skin to a youthful glow.
How Does The Vampire Facelift® Work?
The initial injection of hyaluronic acid fillers act as the precursor to the ultimate desired form. The polishing and refining of the sculpting process is done by the PRP which contributes to a younger improved skin quality, color and texture. With The Vampire Facelift®you can achieve youthful, natural beauty in minutes without surgery and significant downtime. Each patient will experience a fresher, more youthful and smoother appearance.
Contact Us Today!
Call the office to schedule your consultation at (510) 790-8821 or click here to fill out your online request.