When acne strikes, it can feel like the world is against you. Pimples pop up across your face, chest, neck, or back, and getting rid of them seems like a neverending battle.

Don’t give up hope yet! There is a chance that chemical peels might succeed where other methods have failed. You could have clear, spotless skin after just a few treatments, assuming you use the right provider and the correct kind of peel.

At New Image Medical Spa in Fremont, California, Dr. Surinder Sandhu provides customized chemical peel treatments, including peels designed specifically for acne-prone skin.

Chemical peel basics

The skin is the biggest organ of the human body, and it’s constantly subject to cellular turnover. Some of this turnover is completely natural, and some is driven by environmental factors. Sun damage, smoking, and diet are all factors that can affect the quality of your skin’s outer layers.

When the surface of your skin is unhealthy, a chemical peel can remove old, damaged skin layers and let your body kickstart the renewal process. If you want to get a chemical peel for acne, a fairly light peel is recommended, especially if you take any oral medications for acne.

How chemical peels work

When the chemical peel solution is applied to the skin, it causes mild to moderate trauma. This can range from slight redness to a hard peel that looks like a severe sunburn for a day or two. The level of peel determines how many layers of skin are affected, or how deep the peel goes.

In addition to acne, peels can be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions, including photoaging, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone or texture, rosacea, enlarged pores, and even fine lines or wrinkles.

The chemical peel experience

When the chemical peel solution is applied, expect a light burning sensation as it penetrates the skin’s outermost layers. Most people say this is brief, lasting only 5-10 minutes. Next comes a stinging sensation as the skin layers are slightly damaged in order to trigger your body to reject them.

After your peel, your skin will feel tight for a few days, like it would if you got a sunburn. Then it will start to peel. Don’t pick at it or scrub it in the shower, as this can damage the new layers of skin underneath.

Make sure to follow a skin hygiene program to help prevent future acne breakouts, and use sunscreen, especially in the first weeks following your peel. The new skin will be very sensitive.

Dr. Sandhu will give you a complete set of aftercare instructions to nurture the new skin and prevent excess sebum buildup (the primary cause of acne). You can have peels every 6-8 weeks depending on how your skin reacts.

You can schedule a consultation at New Image Medical Spa by calling 510-269-2960, or you can request an appointment online.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime for questions, support, or assistance. We're here to help you with any inquiries you have.

  • Address: 556 Mowry Avenue Suite 200
    Fremont, CA 94536
  • Email: newimagemedicalspa@gmail.com
  • Call Us: (510) 790-8821
  • Working hours:

    Monday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Tuesday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Thursday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Friday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.

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