Your skin constantly renews itself. Yet, as you get older and sun damage takes its toll, this natural cycle of regeneration begins to slow down. To combat this, a chemical peel strips away the uppermost layers of dead and damaged skin cells to reveal the newer, healthier skin underneath.

At New Image Medical Spa in Fremont, California, Dr. Surinder Sandhu provides safe, effective chemical peels to help treat a wide range of skin conditions. Here’s a closer look at how chemical peels work and six problems they can resolve.

How chemical peels work

During a chemical peel, we apply a specialized chemical solution to your skin. This causes the uppermost layers of your skin to slough off, speeding up the natural regeneration process. The skin underneath may look a little pink for a few days because it has been exposed quickly instead of in the usual small patches over time.

Chemical peel solutions vary in strength and ingredients. At New Image Med Spa, Dr. Sandhu evaluates your skin and notes any issues before recommending a tailored peel to address your concerns and leave your face glowing and healthy.

6 problems a chemical peel resolves

While facials soothe, hydrate, and rejuvenate, a chemical peel can transform your complexion more dramatically. The deeper the peel, the more of a difference you’ll see.

A custom peel can address many skin problems, including:

1. Dry skin

When dead and dying skin cells aren’t shed fast enough, you may experience dry skin. A light chemical peel can cause rapid exfoliation, leaving you with supple, fresh skin. Dr. Sandhu will follow up with recommendations for a daily skin care program.

2. Hyperpigmentation

If you have light facial skin discoloration that isn’t primarily melanin-based (like freckles or birthmarks), a moderate chemical peel may be able to reduce its appearance.

3. Fine lines and wrinkles

If you worry about signs of aging, a series of light chemical peels scheduled at regular intervals can keep your face looking fresher and younger by diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

4. Uneven skin tone and texture

Skin that feels rough or scaly in places, sometimes due to a past sunburn, can be corrected with a chemical peel that removes the imperfect skin and lets new skin take over.

5. Enlarged pores

By tightening and rejuvenating your skin, a chemical peel minimizes large pores, revealing a fresh new look.

6. Acne

A deep chemical peel kickstarts your body’s natural collagen production. This “fills in” pitted acne scars from the bottom up, making your face look smooth once again.

Before and after your peel

Regardless of which peel you receive, make sure to wear sunscreen and avoid retinol creams in the days leading up to and following your chemical peel. Sun exposure increases inflammation and can make your skin red and irritated. You should also avoid harsh facial cleansing products and heavy makeup until your skin has fully recovered from the peel.

To learn more about the different types of chemical peels and discuss your options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandhu by calling 510-269-2324, or request an appointment online.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime for questions, support, or assistance. We're here to help you with any inquiries you have.

  • Address: 556 Mowry Avenue Suite 200
    Fremont, CA 94536
  • Email:
  • Call Us: (510) 790-8821
  • Working hours:

    Monday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Tuesday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Thursday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.
    Friday: 9AM to 6PM with lunch 1-2PM.

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